Financial Health Resolutions You Can Keep!
While exercising more is still a popular new year's resolution, managing money better is a growing priority for many in 2025 according the CBS News and a recent survey in which 45% of respondents said they wanted to save more money and 32% said their goal was to reduce debt. Physical exercise was right in the middle at 37%.
No matter what your specific financial health resolution is, it should start with taking stock of where you are today and teaming up with a trusted parnter who can provide you with the tools and resources you need to rid yourself of excess holiday debt and save for the future.
Here are some easy ways to get financially healthier this year:
- Know Where Your Money is Going - Digital banking makes it easier than ever to see exactly where your hard-earned cash is going. Look at your spending categories and drill down to see where you can save. Simply canceling subscriptions or memberships you no longer use and funneling those funds into a savings account is a great way to start.
- Budget, Budget, Budget - It may not sound like a lot of fun, but this simple activity is one of the best things you can do for your financial health. Begin with your monthly income and subtract your needs (food, housing, transportation, etc.). This should give you a realistic picture of how much is leftover each month to save or spend on discretionary items like entertainment or dining out.
- Consider Debt Consolidation - Is your budget tigher than you expected? If you have multiple loan payments or overspent using high-rate credit cards during the holidays, now is the time to consider consolidating those debts into a single loan. This could ease your cash flow by reducing monthly payments and even help you get out of debt faster. Contact your local financial institution to evaluate your options. For homeowners, a lower-rate home equity loan or line of credit may be the best approach. While a lower-rate personal loan may be the best option for renters. Our Personal Loans are popular for debt consolidation.
- Fee-Free Accounts Are Your Friend - If you're paying account maintenance or other monthly fees, it might be time to switch to a Free Checking Account. Some even include convenient money management features like early direct deposit, which could hit your account up to two days faster*. See what your local bank or credit union has to offer and don't forget to look at their surcharge-free ATM locations. You may be able to avoid ATM fees throughout the year with free access through shared networks nationwide, or even worldwide.
- Choose the Right Partner - Fees, interest rates and terms can vary widely among banks and credit unions. So can their levels of commitment to financial education and the local community. Take time to find a financial institution that aligns with your needs and your values. At the end of the day, financial advice you can trust is priceless and building a stronger community is something we can all participate in when we keep our money local.
Each step you take can make a big difference. Your financial health is important and can impact your physical health but improving it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Get started today and make prioritizing your financial health a reality in 2025!

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*Get Paid Early - Must have active Abound Credit Union account with active Direct Deposit. Get Paid Early is subject to when we receive pay information from the Federal Reserve.