Your Student's Abound Savings Account can earn them Scholarship Money
Abound is awarding $25,000! Apply online by March 31, 2024.
Some of our students have been Members since birth, and others have been Members since learning about the opportunity for college scholarships through the Credit Union. We are equally as proud of all our students who are Abound Members!
There’s incredible benefit to becoming an Abound Member when you’re a student. Students have access to financial knowledge from a young age, which in turn creates a clear pathway for financial success. In addition, students automatically qualify to apply for our Howard Roush Memorial Scholarship, also known as our Roush Scholarship. The Howard Roush Memorial Scholarship symbolizes our learning-driven culture and emphasis on growth, development and financial education.
Each year, Abound awards a total of $25,000 to ten deserving high school seniors in Abound service areas. This breaks down to $2,500 for each recipient to use toward college expenses – many students purchase books, meal cards, and more.
This year, to qualify to apply for Abound’s Roush Scholarship students must have opened an Abound Savings Account on or before December 31, 2023. Students can visit our website to submit their application starting January 1, 2024. There is a series of scholarship eligibility requirements listed.
Applications are accepted January 1 through March 31, 2024. Scholarship recipients are selected in April and awarded during our Annual Meeting on May 14.
Know of a student who you think is deserving of this scholarship? Share this information with them! If you are or know of a student who isn’t a high school senior yet, now is the time to open an Abound Savings Account. It’s never too early to qualify to apply!

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By submitting applications, students and their parents/legal guardian grant the Abound Credit Union the right to repurpose their content in any and all of our affiliate websites, including but not limited to, social media channels, print, video and other media; and further agree we can include their likeliness (their profile photograph/picture) without payment or any other consideration.
The following persons are NOT eligible to enter the Howard Roush Memorial Scholarship Program: Abound Federal Credit Union employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising/promotional agencies, volunteers and immediate family members (spouse, parents, siblings and children) of volunteers and staff.
**Please check with your high school career/guidance counselor to confirm your school’s location is in the Abound Credit Union service area.