Abound is for Leading!
Abound is one of the Best Places to Work in Kentucky, but you already know that. For the past several years, we've had Abound Team Members graduate the Emerging Leaders Program (offered by Kentucky's Credit Unions).
Congratulations to Abound's Bryan Anthony, Belinda Bennett, Brittany Harrison, Lori Holloway and Corey LaMothe.
The program offers a leadership development experience designed to develop and expand the capacity of tomorrow's credit union leaders. During the program, participants learn from guest presenters, work in small groups to explore topics, partake in a community service project and strengthen their skills to be successful at the next level and beyond. The program culminated with individual presentations by each participant to a group of 200 Kentucky credit union board members and executives.
"Our learning-driven culture is something we're very proud of at Abound," says Ray Springsteen, President & CEO. "I'd like to congratulate our five Emerging Leaders Program graduates for their dedication to professional development and continuous learning. Programs like this help Abound better serve our Members and make an even bigger difference in our community."
More information about Abound's current career opportunities and learning-driven culture may be found at aboundcu.com.
From left to right: Corey LaMothe, Belinda Bennett, Bryan Anthony, Lori Holloway, Brittany Harrison

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